Getting Started in the DESSA System

Introduction to the DESSA System

Videos in this section include:

• Overview of the DESSA System

• Set Up Your DESSA System

A photo where a teacher stands smiling in front of a class of students.

Using the DESSA to Measure Student Social and Emotional Competence

Videos in this section include:

• Importance of Social and Emotional Competence

• SEL Helps Students Reach Their Highest Potential

• Understanding the DESSA

• All About Assessment Bias

• Using the DESSA to Support Student Outcomes

• Introduction to the DESSA Second Step® Assessments

A student sits with classmates and smiles at the camera

Completing and Understanding the DESSA

Videos in this section include:

• What are the Different Versions of the DESSA?

• What to Expect as a Program Admin or Site Leader

• What to Expect as a an Educator

• Completing DESSA Ratings in the DESSA System

• Understanding DESSA Scores

A woman with glasses smiles at the camera with her hand in her pocket. She's wearing a tote bag. Students stand in groups talking in the background.

DESSA Student Self-Report (Middle and High School)

Videos in this section include:

• Student Self-Report (SSR) Overview

• DEMO: Student Portal and the DESSA System

• Preparing for your SSR Rating Window

• Understanding SSR Data

A student with red hair and glasses smiles at the camera in front of bookshelves. She is holding a laptop.

DESSA System Strategies

Videos in this section include:

• What are the Foundational Practices?

• What are the SEL Strategies?

• What are the Tier II Intervention Programs?

• Data-Driven Recommendations

• SEL Strategies and Intervention Package Overview

A student and teacher hold highlighters over work they're discussing together.

Communicating About the DESSA to Various Stakeholders

Videos in this section include:

• School, District, and Community Members

• Parents and Guardians

An overhead view of students working together in books, tablets, and laptops. Just their feet and hands show.

Data-Driven SEL

Overview: Data-Driven SEL

Videos in this section include:

• What is Data-Driven SEL?

• DESSA & Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

• How Does the DESSA Align with MTSS?

• Understanding DESSA Scores

• Accessing Ratings Data in the Aperture System

• Using the Custom Group Filter

Using DESSA Data at the Tier 1 Universal Level

Videos in this section include:

• Tier 1: Accessing Data

• Tier 1: Using Data

• Tier 1: Analyzing Data

• Tier 1: Progress Monitoring

Using DESSA Data at the Tier 2 Level

Videos in this section include:

• Tier 2: Accessing and Using Data

• Tier 2: Analyzing Data and Progress Monitoring

Using DESSA Data at the Tier 3 Level

Videos in this section include:

• Tier 3: Accessing Data

• Tier 3: Using and Analyzing Data

•Tier 3: Progress Monitoring

Using DESSA Student Self-Report Data (Middle and High School)

Videos in this section include:

• SSR: Accessing Data

• SSR: Using Data

• SSR: Analyzing Data

• SSR: Progress Monitoring and Using the Student Portal

Communicating about DESSA Data

Videos in this section include:

• Communicating about DESSA Data

• Engaging Parents & Guardians with DESSA Results